Information for Umbilical Cord Blood Preservation

Did you know umbilical cord preservation can help your child save themselves from more than eighty different types of medical conditions? Umbilical cord blood preservation is in a way, saving your child's life from many life-threatening medical conditions such as cancer, tuberculosis, Lymphoma, leukemia etc.

What Is Umbilical Cord Blood?

Umbilical cord blood is also known as cord blood. The umbilical cord is filled with blood at the time of parturition or delivery. This blood is filled with mainly hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are a vital part and abundantly found in the Umbilical Cord tissue.

These cells can self-renew and convert into any other type of cell in the body. This property of mesenchymal stem cells is known as multipotency.

Why Is Umbilical Cord Blood Preservation Needed?

The mesenchymal stem cells derived from the cord tissue can help save your child as they can convert into other cells and tissues of the body, such as fat cells, muscle cells, connective tissue, etc. It can even convert and mature to form nerve cells.

Moreover, the Umbilical Cord Blood also can suppress the growth of the tumor cells. This further helps in the recovery of the patient.

Importance Of Umbilical Cord Blood Preservation

You shouldn't look back on stem cell preservation. There are several reasons to support this. Here are a few of them-

  • It can convert into any body tissue and can regenerate very rapidly. Thus it can be used to repair body tissue, organ, or part. Thus it can be used to repair the body tissues, organs or parts.
  • It suppresses tumor growth and can be used in the treatment of cancer.
  • It is believed that cord blood can be used in many clinical trials like diabetes, autism, cerebral palsy etc. The results of clinical trials are positive.
  • It can easily be used between twins as the body shall accept the other twin's blood in most cases.
  • Cord blood can also be used by other family members if they are compatible with the blood. Thus it can also be used for donation, in case the client opted  for social/community banking.


Umbilical cord preservation plays an essential role in your child's life. It can help your child survive major health problems. Not only this, but it can also be used for donations and help save many lives. If you are looking for a stem cell bank in India, then you must visit us at . Check out our umbilical cord storage plans to get the best package.
