Difference between Private Cord Blood Banking and Other Cord Blood Banking

stem cell banking

While having a baby, you must have come across the concept of umbilical cord storage. It is highly beneficial for your baby in the later years of their life. This decision of yours can, therefore, be a life-altering factor for them.

Umbilical cord blood preservation has never been easier. With private cord blood banking, the process of storing and preserving umbilical cord blood has become simpler and easier.

What is Private Cord Blood Banking?

Private cord blood banks are facilities where you can store your baby's cord blood stem cells at a fixed pricing structure. You and your family can only access the stored blood. Private cord banks are preferred by many, despite their initial cost due to security and operational reasons for running the lab. The umbilical cord blood of your baby is safe and remains as it is till it is not required.

Saving in a private cord blood facility gives you a sense of security. Besides, this umbilical cord blood is easily available in case of emergency, so you don't have to undergo the stress of asking for cord blood from others or the public facility.

Since it is your child's blood, the chances of your child's body being affected are negligible compared to the donor's blood. This also improves the chances of survival.

What are The Other Types Of Cord Blood Banking?

Apart from private cord blood banking, there are two types of cord blood banking options available. Let us look into them-

  • Public Cord Blood Banking
This is government-owned. In this facility, it works on the concept of donation. Once a donor sends their umbilical cord, it is analyzed and stored in cryo units. Anyone in need can use this blood after matching the HLA reports. Before using the cord blood, testing is done to determine the compatibility.

This is because everyone's body tends to reject something that is not theirs. They treat this as a foreign object, thus resulting in GVHD.

  • Social/Community Pool Blood Banking
This is a new concept in which for the initial two years it is restricted for family members only & thereafter it will be shifted to the social cord blood banking to be used by any members in case the need arises. The major difference is accessibility. The members of this community only collect cord blood. Furthermore, it can only be used by the members of this community.

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Investing in a private blood bank is like a plan of life insurance. It can help save your child's life if they are faced with life-threatening medical conditions such as a tumor, cancer, etc. If you are tense about stem cell banking costs in India, don't worry. Visit us at Cryoviva to get the best plans and packages and take a step to secure the life of your young one.
