Is Yogurt Good for Pregnant Women?

yogurt during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting phase of your life, but it is also when you have the maximum caution about the food you take. But does yogurt fall into a safe category? Eating yogurt during pregnancy is a healthy option as this dairy product contains dense nutrients.

Yogurt is consumed in many forms, such as refreshing fresh buttermilk or energizing lassi. It helps you to meet the recommended daily allowance of essential nutrients to achieve optimal prenatal health. Read on to know more!

Benefits of Yogurt During Pregnancy

From improving digestion to boosting the immune system, having yogurt in a balanced pregnancy diet can offer a variety of advantages. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of yogurt during pregnancy.
  • Rich in Calcium
Yogurt is a powerhouse of calcium in properly developing teeth and bones in the fetus. It also improves Vitamin D absorption in the mother’s body.
  • Promotes Healthy Weight
Excessive weight gain during different pregnancy stages puts you and your fetus at risk of severe health issues. Yogurt promotes healthy weight gain by controlling cortisol, a stress hormone that causes uncontrollable weight in the mother, throughout all the pregnancy stages.
  • Improves Digestion
The probiotics in the yogurt can aid in a healthy digestive system and reduce symptoms like constipation, nausea, bloating and upset stomach.
  • Relieves Anxiety
Pregnant women feel stressed and anxious. Consuming yohurt will ease their tension and is also considered safe for women with gestational diabetes.
  • Supports Immunity
Due to the presence of the probiotic, yogurt can fight infections and ease the symptoms of any illnesses, including flu.
  • Prevents Hypertension
High blood pressure in pregnancy can cause severe complications for the mother and fetus. Eating yogurt will allow you to calm down and check your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Final Words

Pregnancy alters your whole perspective of food choices. In a nutshell, yogurt will be a good addition to a healthy diet during pregnancy, including during the different pregnancy stages. The key here is to consume it in moderation to achieve myriad benefits.

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