Which Allergy Medications Are Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period where the woman's body goes through transformative changes. Women are easily prone to get sick during this phase. Ranging from fever to cold to episodes of allergies, the list of every other woman varies. Allergies are something that several women often face repeatedly.

However, allergy medications during pregnancy cannot be consumed without consulting the doctor because they might contain chemicals that might harm the baby's health. It's crucial to take special precautions during your pregnancy journey . However, handy medicines should be available to manage the allergy at odd hours.

Is Consuming Allergy Medications During Pregnancy Safe?

Like the general notion, not every allergic medication is suitable or safe for consumption during pregnancy. Medicines that are normally not harmful or do not harm an otherwise healthy person can often pose a risk to the expecting mother.

It could be posing potential anatomical or psychological anomalies in the baby, alterations in the fetal heart rate, or even leading to a high-risk pregnancy. However, not taking medications is not a solution to this.

Instead, opt out of the unsafe ones and choose safer allergy medications during pregnancy. Safe allergy medications suitable for consumption during pregnancy include:
  • Cetirizine
  • Loratadine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Montelukast Sodium
  • Loratadine
Apart from these, expecting moms can also practice the following pregnancy tips to reduce exposure to allergies:
  • Identify and avoid exposure to triggers.
  • Using humidifiers and vaporizers.
  • Nasal sinus rinsing
  • Gargle with warm water
  • Breathing exercises to reduce inflammation
  • Saline nasal drops and sprays

Safeguard your Child’s Future with Stem Cell Preservation!

We understand your excitement about meeting your young one, and you might have calculated your due date through the gestation calculator. However, have you considered safeguarding your baby's health from life-threatening diseases, some of which don't even have a proper cure? Stem cell banking is one of the potential treatments to provide a cure for 80+ life-threatening diseases.

With advancements in technology, many diseases that were previously thought to be untreatable and incurable can now be treated. With one such motive, we here at Cryoviva help you carry out stem cell preservation in the most advanced and sterile way, thus helping you to use them any time you need. Visit our website to learn more about stem cell banking plans!
