Why Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Momos

With pregnancy comes never-ending cravings. While there are many foods suitable for consumption, there are just as many that should be avoided. One such junk food to give a wide berth during pregnancy is momos. It is important for expecting mothers to be aware of the possible hazards associated with this popular street food.

Momos During Pregnancy: A Hazardous Choice

Momos come under the list of junk foods during pregnancy that should be avoided as much as possible. They are prepared from refined flour and include fats and sodium that are not good for your health. Momos may also be fried or prepared with poor standards of cleanliness. This increases the likelihood of contracting foodborne diseases, such as listeria or salmonella, which are dangerous for the growing baby as well as you. 

Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Tips for Avoiding Junk Food

A healthy pregnancy diet is important for the well-being of both mother and baby. Pregnant women should focus on nutritious foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients instead of indulging in momos.

Here are some pregnancy tips to help you avoid junk food and maintain a healthy diet:

  • Plan Meals and Snacks Ahead of Time:
Make a healthy and well-balanced pregnancy diet plan to avoid giving in to the temptations of junk food. Prepare all the snacks beforehand for easy access. 
  • Keep Healthy Snacks Handy:
Fruits, yogurt, or nuts are healthy snacks that can help ease hunger pangs without detrimental effects. Replace any unhealthy snacks you crave with healthier alternatives. 
  • Stay Hydrated: 
Staying well hydrated can also help curb hunger and improve overall health. It also maintains amniotic fluid balance for your baby’s growth.
  • Eat Small, Eat Often: 
The strategy of eating small portions of healthy meals frequently throughout the day can help control food intake and avoid consuming unhealthy foods excessively.
  • Include a Variety of Nutrient-Dense Foods:
Enhancing fetal development and maintaining mothers’ health requires the proper intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, lean protein sources, and dairy products. Ensure that all these components are part of your diet. 

The Role of Stem Cell Banking

Not including junk foods like momos in your pregnancy diet and ensuring you get ample nutrients is crucial. A pregnancy calculator can be beneficial to plan your nutrition intake according to your pregnancy phase. However, if you want to give additional protection to your baby once it is born, consider stem cell banking. Umbilical cord stem cell preservation can also be useful for future medical purposes of your child. 

Cryoviva is the premier state-of-the-art cord blood preservation service provider. Visit our page now to learn more about our cord blood preservation solutions and ensure your baby’s healthy future!
